Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to have beneficial effects on fracture healing, explained by its well-known actions. Experimental studies have demonstrated hyperbaric oxygen to activate bone repair leading to increased callus formation and remodeling of the fractured bone. It has also been shown to result in higher breaking strength of the bone.
Experience gained, indicates that many Orthopaedic conditions (besides the complicated ones that are universally accepted indications for HBOT), including fractures and sprains, benefit from the use of hyperbaric oxygen with accelerated rate of recovery. A study has particularly reported 100% success rate of recovery for fractures when hyperbaric oxygen therapy was initiated within 10 days after the injuryi.
i Strauss MB, Hart GB. Clinical experiences with HBO in fracture healing. In Smith G ed. Proc 7th Int Cong on Hyperbaric Medicine. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press;1977. p.329-332.